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Choosing a Family Law Attorney

At Kent Lee Law, we believe that marriage and families are sacred.  However, we recognize that life is not always fair, people are not perfect, and some marriages dissolve.  When divorce is imminent we help.  We guide our clients through the quagmire of legal and procedural issues that is the family law arena so they understand the present and long-term effects of their decisions.  We vigorously protect and assert the rights of our clients, while minimizing hostilities and preserving appropriate relationships, where possible.

We’ve compiled a list of three items to consider as you choose your divorce attorney for business owners in Arizona when you are contemplating a divorce.

Emotional Involvement

It is important to remember that divorce is a legal process with the sole purpose of dissolving your assets and resolving custody issues if you have children. Before you begin the process, it is important to remember to have reasonable expectations and to try to remain to separate out your emotions during your divorce proceedings. It is understandable that emotions run high during such a life upset, but when it comes to the legal proceedings of your divorce, it is important to try to be as detached as possible, in terms of what you’re asking for from the divorce.

Focus on your Goals

Your ultimate goal in this process is to get divorced, and hopefully, you can do so without any major depreciation of your lifestyle. Don’t let your emotions jump in and run rampant when it comes to negotiating over material things that don’t mean much to you in the big picture. If you do, your divorce will be longer, more litigious, and definitely more expensive than otherwise. Is it worth it? No. So keep your focus on getting divorced as quickly, and with as little financial damage, as possible.

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